Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Health Minister quits as $1 billion CDN wasted in Ontario ehealth program

$1 billion CDN wasted in ontario on ehealth program

2009 Oct 7

Toronto, Canada --Minister of Health, David Caplan, resigns as report released showing $1 Billion CDN wasted in producing electronic computer health records system for Province of Ontario in Canada. The result of the program to date... basically, nothing...

This is the same government that wanted to spend $26 Billion on a new, massive nuclear program in Ontario, Canada...

The dangers of nuclear energy are huge. Yet what checks and balances are there in government, in the nuclear industry? Who oversees government spending and programs? Who would protect citizens from defective, inept or corrupt nuclear power industry?

Ontario Government wasted $1 billion in ONE SINGLE program... What would have happened with a nuclear energy program of $26 Billion!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Trust governments to safeguard world's nuclear? Britain admits releasing Lockerbie bomber for oil !

September 5, 2009

Trust governments to safeguard world's nuclear power use? Today a perfect example of how governments do NOT do the moral and "right" thing in the murky world of geopolitics, where decisions are made for so many, many reasons, that often don't seem to have any logic or morality?!

British government officials admit releasing Lockerbie bomber for oil favours from terrorist-supporter, Libya!

A senior British minister says trade and oil deals with Libya played a "very big part" in Britain's Minister of Justice Jack Straw admits oil played "big part" in Britain's decision to include the Lockerbie bomber, Abel Baset al-Megrahi, in a prisoner transfer agreement between the two countries.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said there was "no cover-up, no double-dealing, no deal on oil" linked to Megrahi's early release last month from a Scottish prison.

Megrahi was the only man convicted in the 1988 bombing of a U.S. airliner over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. The bombing killed 270 people.

Straw acknowledged to The Daily Telegraph that British trade interests were a crucial factor in the 2007 prisoner transfer negotiations with Libya, which he called a "rogue state" that "we wanted to bring back into the fold." A few weeks later, in January 2008, Libya ratified a $900 million oil deal with BP.

safe nuclear power --Iran close to producing one nuclear bomb!

Sept 9, 2009 --A global perspective and reminder about the very real dangers of nuclear power:

ONE, Glyn Davies, the senior USA official at the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency says a recent report by the nuclear group shows Iran is has enough low-enriched uranium to produce one nuclear weapon.

TWO, Venezuela's leader, Chavez, now working with Iran, to develop mutually safe nuclear power...?!

Davies spoke at a closed session of the IAEA’s 35-nation board of governors!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Great victory to people power against nuclear, but where is media?!

Great victory to people power against nuclear, but where is media?!
2009 July 16

In June 2009, Ontario was to announce commitment of $26 BILLION CDN to new nuclear power in Ontario, Canada. Instead, the Ontario Government --and federal Canadian Government, in essence-- have announced formally their decision to suspend their new MASSIVE nuclear power ramp-up!?

The probable reason: a broad, bold grassroots efforts by citizens of Ontario, Canada, against new nuclear power.

But the Ontario announcement was made weeks ago: question, where are the media stories about the issue, about the government bowing to genuine citizen concerns about the economic viability, and safety of nuclear energy power!

Where is the media? Where is the media?

Monday, July 6, 2009

people power stops nuclear explosion in Ontario, Canada

People power stops nuclear explosion in Ontario, Canada
2009 July 7

Public activism, people power?! The governments of Ontario and Canada have announced suspension of their plans to commit to new nuclear power plants! Thus saving taxpayers $26 Billion (before billions of dollars more in overruns!). And potentially saving the peoples of Ontario, Canada and the world, from a nuclear leak or explosion! Certainly, from an "explosion" of new nuclear energy plants and plans! Congratulations again, people who worked so hard on this. Sadly, the battle continues:

Nuclear is NOT safe, NOT economical, NOT green.

Thanks to all you activists and citizens, who spoke out and told your politicians "No to Nuclear!"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Canadian Government to get out of nuclear isotope biz

June 17, 2009 --The Canadian Government seems determined now to get out of the nuclear isotope biz, supplying 50% or more of the world's supply, used for important --in some cases, essential-- medical tests, and cancer treatments.

The Government has announced that it is advising nations of the world, so other supplies can be developed... Not much comfort to patients now, who are getting medical treatment that is being compromised by the Canadian supply shortage.

It is said that many patients may be exposed to higher radiation doses, as their doctors are forced to use other treatments and tests, if the isotope shortage worsens!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Federal Minister of Natural Resources apologizes for nuclear reactor comments

Federal Minister of Natural Resources apologizes for nuclear reactor comments

June 10, 2009

A day after refusing to apologize, yesterday, Federal Minister made tearful public apology over her tape-recorded comments suggesting that she was happy to make political gain from the shortage of medical isotopes supplied by Chalk River nuclear plant, in Ontario, Canada. The plant provides 30%, to 50% or more of the WORLD'S supply of medical isotopes, essential in key medical tests and cancer treatments!

The Minsiter did not know about the tape-recording, made accidentally, by her aide; but tried unsuccessfully to have the tapes blocked from public release! The Minister tendered her resignation, which was rejected by Canada's leader, the Prime Minister.

The debate should NOT be able the tape recordings being made, or released. The debate and public anger should be about the dangers and unreliability of nuclear energy, and the deaths that should be caused by the world shortage that may result from the possible mismanagement of the nuclear plant!

This incident showing the problems of nuclear plants, should be clear proof that the planned ramp-up of new nuclear plants must be studied more carefully.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Taped Canadian Cabinet Minister heard happy to have nuclear reactor leaks

Taped Canadian Cabinet Minister heard happy to have nuclear reactor leaks

June 9, 2009, E.T.

Already closed weeks ago, Chalk River nuclear reactor has another leak! And now a leak scandal of a different kind:

A Judge allows release of tapes of Federal Canadian Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt in private, calling the isotope shortage a "sexy" issue that she hopes to take credit for, while calling her colleague, the Minister of Health, weak on this issue!

On the problem: "I'm ready to roll the dice on this. This is an easy one. You know what solves this problem? Money. And if it's just about money, we'll figure it out. It's not a moral issue."

The judge noted: "The issue of the political oversight of Canada's medical isotope system is literally a matter of life and death for cancer patients. It is a matter of intense public interest," he said. "The handling of this issue by the government and the cabinet ministers is a matter of immediate public and political interest."

Chalk River nuclear reactor provides over 50% of the world's medical isotopes. Sources say Chalk River could be closed for months more than the public predictions of government officials.

NoNuclearNow with excerpts from artic6le by: By Murray Brewster, The Canadian Press. 2009 June 9

As Ontario, Canada moves to ramp-up nuclear, second leak at nuclear reactor in a month. Has 50% of world medical istopes

As Ontario, Canada moves to ramp-up nuclear, second leak at nuclear reactor in a month. Has 50% of world medical istopes

Toronto --June 8, 2009. Most mainstream media not running the story, but there are new leaks at the Chalk River nuclear reactor in Ontario, Canada. Chalk River is responsible for over 50% of the world's supply of medical isotopes, that are used in such critical tests as MRI's, and cancer treatments.

Yet, the Ontario and Canadian governments are moving forward with plans to rampup nuclear reactors in Ontario and Canada.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Confidential Government Memos: Chalk River reactor cost overruns hidden from public!!

Confidential Government Memos: Chalk River nuclear reactor cost overruns hidden from public!!

2009 June 3 --It was revealed yesterday, that secret Canadian Government memos were found, showing huge cost overrunns at the infamous Chalk River nuclear reactor, which supplies over half of the world's medical isotopes --for various important medical tests!

The memo shows the government trying to hide $66 Million Cdn, in additional repairs to the 56-year-old nuclear reactor --now closed because of a leak. The repairs were annouced by the government to take only about one month, but there are sources suggesting Chalk River could be closed for the rest of the year, endangering medical treatment around the world!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nuclear safe?! Chalk River nuclear reactor leak to close reactor for months...

Nuclear safe?! Chalk River nuclear reactor leak to close reactor for months...
2009 June 2: 1.28pm ET

On May 19, 2009 CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation):

'Patients will suffer' from Chalk River shutdown: medical imaging industry
4 out of 5 medical isotope reactors in the world currently out of service

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) announced Monday that its Chalk River reactor, located about 185 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, will remain out of service for more than a month due to a leak at the base of the reactor vessel.

As Ontario, Canada, and the world considers ramping up to new nuclear era, signs of concern appear!! A nuclear reactor leak is going to close "Chalk River" nuclear reactor for over a month. Some sources say the reactor shall be shut for the rest of the year, 2009!!

This is safe nuclear technology and safe energy?!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Peaceful" North Korean nuclear energy illustrates dangers of nuclear energy

2009 May 26: 5.37pm ET --"Peaceful" North Korean nuclear energy program shows that the world cannot throw open the door on new nuclear energy programs.

North Korea detonated a nuclear explosion --a blast that equalled the blasts that killed hundreds of thousands of people at Hiroshima and Nagaski, Japan, in 1945... Then for fun, North Korea lobbed a few more short-range missles, to show that they can!

To think that other nations won't follow this route?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Small big victory: Ontario Government delays nuclear decision

Small big victory: Ontario Government delays nuclear decision
2009 May 25. 3:16pm ET

Ontario Government delays nuclear decision. Congratulations to the concerned citizens and activists of Ontario, Canada and the world, whose political and public awareness campaign pressured the Government of Ontario, to delay --again!-- its commitment to spend $26 Billion on new nuclear energy power in Ontario, Canada!

The Ontario Government gives no explanation of their decision to delay.

We need to keep the pressure on! Nuclear is NOT green, is NOT safe, is not even cost-effective!

Since 2006, Ontario's energy needs have been dropping! Thus, many people say, that Ontario doesn't even need costly, dangerous nuclear power!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

National Waste Management Organization has plan for safe nuclear fuel storage?! NWMO ad sounds like series of oxymorons that could destroy humanity?!
2009 May 19: 2.37 am ET

The National Waste Management Organization has plan for SAFE nuclear fuel storage?! NWMO ads in media sound like series of oxymorons that could destroy humanity --"safe" nuclear storage?!

With the threat of natural disasters and terrorism, where and what is a "safe" storage location and structure for nuclear fuel, and nuclear waste fuel? How can we safeguard radioactive "nuclear waste" for hundreds and thousands of years?! A single nuclear leak could enter the global air, and/or national ground water... Exaggeration, paranoia of anti-nuclear nuts...?! Government officials have admitted to these two very possibilities in the cases of Three-Mile Island, and Chernobyl. In fact, recent UK "leaks" of studies, show that many Brit UK farms and sheeps are today still scanned and rejected for sale, because of dangerous levels of radiation, caused by Chernobyl --in 1986!!!

These are some of the very issues that Mr Greg Allen and Ms Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu articulated in March 2009, that inspired our NoNuclearNow efforts, such as this very blog, and our history-making rally, to highlight anti-nuclear issues that are being suppressed by nuclear industry actions as this one by the "Nuclear Waste Management Organization." A half-page ad in today's Toronto Star, to seek a "fair process" to find a "community to host... safe containment and isolation of Canada's used nulcear feul for the long term..."

And what is the true costs of such facilities? How many billions of scarce, dwindling taxpayer dollars would have to be spent to design, build, maintain, safeguard these storge sites, against earthquake, terrorists... for centuries... ?! Is there really a plan?

Some anti-nuclear activists believe such "safe" nuclear waste sites cannot be achieved.

Look at the nuclear waste leaks we have today. Look at the very real fear by the governments of the USA and Britain, Germany, etc. that terrorists shall get nuclear weapons grade material from nuclear waste storage?!

One of the big concerns about nuclear energy power, of course, is the storage of the fuel, after it thas been used. This " fuel waste" may be radioactive for hundreds or thousands of years.

The nuclear industry is holding a series of information sessions to supposedly initiate dialogue, to create a fair process to identify a community to host such a "safe containment" area for Canada's nuclear waste...

We just discovered this "consultation process" in the newspaper. There are 6 such meetings in Ontario through May 2009. Toronto is May 21, Marriott Toronto Downtown.

Concerned citizens should attend. Is there time to organize anti-nuclear position and action around these meetings?

By the way, anti-nuclear activists are just exaggerating, paranoid?! Today's news, includes announcements that Canada's Chalk River nuclear reactors may have to be shut down again, due to problems. Last year, the reactors were shut down so long that the world's nuclear medicine supplies were so depleted, that tests and treatments needing nuclear isotopes were cancelled! So let's have a nuclear moratorium, before we build hundreds of new "SAFE" nuclear reactors; that have "safe" sites for nuclear waste --that is radioactive for hundreds of years...

We can NOT trust nuclear industry officials without true citizen and government review and cooperation. Concerned citizens must outreach now to the good people in government, public and media!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

global scramble stop dangerous, unnecessary nuclear energy
May 16, 2009, 2.38am ET

Global scramble stop dangerous, unnecessary nuclear energy

On April 2, 2009, with the great inspiration and efforts of people like Greg Allen, Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, and Amy L, we organized a history-making rally, NoNuclearNow.

The rally was the first public rally in the world to ever take place in a pedestrian traffic intersection, "a scramble" intersection, that allowed rally supporters to occupy the centre of the intersection, and offer messages about the dangers and problems of nuclear energy. That nuclear is NOT green, NOT necessary, NOT safe...

Well, Ontario, Canada, and other political leaders, continue onto a new potentially deadly nuclear energy age. To get the attention of the people, media and political leaders of the world, NoNuclearNow is urging a global day against nuclear energy, a new nuclear moratorium, that resulted after the almost catatrophic nuclear disasters at Three-Mile Island, and Chernobyl!

Please join us, with your thoughts and support. More details to follow, in a global scramble to stop nuclear and save the world!

organized a rally, to highlight the dangers and anti-nuclear energy issues, as Ontario, Canada, ramps up to new nuclear age and $26 Billion nuclear spending program,

Ontario Green Party Leader, Frank de Jong, joins calls for nuclear companies to pay for budget overruns
May 16, 2009: 12.17pm ET

Ontario Green Party Leader, Frank de Jong, joins calls for nuclear companies to pay for budget overruns.

Interestingly, where governments have enacted laws that force companies building nuclear plants to carry the costs of their overruns, many nuclear companies abandon their plans to bid on new plants...

The logic of that is simple and inescapable... Some governments and the nuclear industry are hiding huge cost overruns in their public announcements and projections...

We need to get the word out. Support and contact politicians like Frank de Jong today!

Ontario, Canada moving closer to radioactive sheep!
2009 May 16: 11.16am ET

Ontario, Canada moving closer to radioactive sheep!

Ontario, Canada is closer to committing $26 Billion (pre-HUGE cost overruns, no doubt) to new nuclear energy power plants. Is there hope to "stop the madness?" Maybe. Some people, media and politicians in the UK are mobilizing, spreading the word about the truth of the dangers of nuclear energy power. In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded --a minor problem, compared to the disaster that emergency workers stopped! Chernobyl released radioactive dust, that governments called safe.

This month, May 2009, reports are coming out that some British farms and sheep are restricted and banned from sale!

And of course, not one sheep or fruit has entered the public food chain?!

This is a big opportunity. We have proven, easy-to-understand evidence of the dangers of modern nuclear energy power. We need to get the word out! Please help us stop the danger of radioactive sheep!

Funny imagery aside. Imagine a real scenario a la Chernobyl (which happened, pro-nuclear people!). If there was ever a nuclear "mishap" --a "minor" one, leaking radioactive material into the air, water of Ontario, or any major city or region of the world?! Ontario sits on the Great Lakes, the largest body of fresh water in the water... Ontario has the largest population of Canada. Ontario is one of the farm centres of Canada... Drop some radioactive dust into the air, the water table, the Great Lakes...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fluffy British sheep may be a great symbol of our anti-nuclear efforts to reach the public and media, about the dangers of nuclear energy power!, at May 13, 2009. 11:27am ET

The fluffy sheep may be a symbol of our anti-nuclear efforts to reach the public and media, about the dangers of nuclear energy power!

Thanks to "," we found an article from Guardian UK (see below to get web page citation), that there are STILL restrictions on British farms and sheep --restrictions imposed after the radioactive clouds from the Chernobyl nuclear energy reactor explosion, that drifted over parts of the UK, EU and North America in 1986. Yes, since 1986, the British Government has restricted farming use and sheep sales. Radioactive sheep! They are to this day, 2009, still finding and rejecting for sale, sheep that trigger high radioactive levels!

We at NoNuclearNow believe in public and media outreach and education. This issue could be the type of issue that we need in the anti-nuclear movement: "British radioactive sheep in 2009, caused by 1986 Chernobyl disaster." An issue that is simple, easy to understand and explain; an issue that resonates with the minds and hearts of "the people."

That's why we organized the "NoNuclearNow" rally on April 2, 2009. To raise awareness of the dangers of nuclear, we organized the world's first public rally in a pedestrian traffic scramble intersection. A simple, yet creative symbolic moment, to touch minds and hearts.

The British radioative sheep may be a great symbol of the dangers of nuclear?! Shall we name our nuclear sheep monster, "Dolly," like the Frankenstein clone monster of modern medicine?!

Please outreach and let people know: Radioactive farms and sheep exist today. Dangers of nuclear are real, today!

source citations: Guardian UK article:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Public protests and rallies are signs of the decline of our democracy and society?

May 12, 2009, 11.18am ET -- Anti-nuclear Greenpeace activists blocking the road to a nuclear reactor in Ontario, Canada. Ontario Clean Air Alliance urging voters not to vote for the Minister responsible for nuclear power. Our own recent NoNuclearNow rally and efforts... Tamils in Toronto, Canada, blocking major roads and even highways last week.

Some people see the recent public rallies in Toronto, Canada, protesting nuclear energy, and Tamil ethnic cleansing, as all great positive signs of the vitality of democracy and freedom of expression. Viva liberty! But we at "NoNuclearNow" wonder if these public protests, instead, are sad examples of the great decline of our modern democracy and society?

Isn't it a sad comment, indeed, that genuine, concerned citizens of the world find it necessary to organize protests, dramatics, and other aggressive public actions, to attract media and public attention to crucial matters --literally, matters of life and death..?!

For the Tamils, trying to stop possible ethnic cleansing; for anti-nuclear groups, trying to stop nuclear disasters that could destroy humanity... Is democracy and public awareness reduced to street theatre, and battling police in the streets of our cities...?

We at "NoNuclearNow" still believe there's hope. We need to take action. Educate and outreach to the uninformed. Inspire people to action, before it's too late to save the planet and humanity!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hackers breach FAA air traffic control systems! Are nuclear reactor control systems really safer?!

Are we taking it for granted that the computers that control nuclear reactors are safe from hackers?! Other major infrastructure computer systems have PROVEN penetration of their computer systems; resulting in stolen passwords; the planting of malicious codes...

The new proposed nuclear ramp-up in Ontario, Canada and the world, would result in thousands of new nuclear plants around the world. Nuclear plants with computer control centres that could be full of technical problems, and software holes that hackers could exploit. And who is guarding against that?

Below are excerpts from Wall Street Journal report about a USA Transportation Department's inspector general report released on May 9, 2009! that suggests that hackers have penetrated government systems throughout 2008! And given that we are pointing out the danger of such hackers to nuclear reactor control systems, it is ironic that the Wall Street Journal article even notes that electrical grid control systems have dangerous links between administrative and operational computer links, that could result in hackers getting into operational functions of the power grid?!!

Excerpt from Wall Street Journal

Last year, hackers of unspecified origin "took over FAA computers in Alaska" to effectively become agency insiders, and traveled the agency networks to Oklahoma, where they stole the network administrator's password and used it to install malicious codes, the report said. These hackers also gained the ability to obtain 40,000 FAA passwords and other information used to control the administrative network, it said.

In February, another cyber break-in yielded the personal information of 48,000 current and former agency employees.

"The threat of hackers interfering with our air-traffic control systems is not just theoretical; it has already happened," said Republican Rep. Tom Petri of Wisconsin, one of the lawmakers who requested the report. "We must regard the strengthening of our air-traffic control security as an urgent matter."

Tom Kellermann, a vice president at Core Security Technologies, a cybersecurity company, likened the threats cited by the report to the television show "24" in which terrorists hack into and commandeer the FAA's air-traffic control system to crash planes. "The integrity of the data on which ground control is relying can be manipulated, much as seen in '24,'" he said.

Most critical infrastructure, such as the electric grid, have developed links between administrative and operational control systems that indirectly link the control systems to the public Internet, intelligence officials said.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Using legislation to fight nuclear energy proliferation

We at NoNuclearNow, want to ask you, the people of the world, for your thoughts and ideas on what legislative pressure we can bring to oppose the looming unchecked nuclear energy proliferation in Ontario, Canada and the world. Some examples --some successful, at that, so take heart, everyone!

1 In the USA, some recent proposed nuclear energy reactor projects have been stopped, because legislation has banned taxpayer bailouts of any overruns by new nuclear energy reactor constructions... The nuclear companies themselves suspended their projects! What does that say about the nuclear industry's claims of being efficient, cost-effective, safe...

2 In Canada, anti-nuclear activists are seeking similar legislation amendments to the provincial Ontario Government's Green Act.

3 In Scotland, we were provided with the following comment from Utility Week; a quote that suggests another avenue that the public may use to bring pressure to bear on nuclear energy proliferation: planning and zoning.

"Mike Weir, the Scottish National Party MP for Angus, insisted: "The Scottish Government are entitled to exercise their power under the electricity and planning legislation"."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nuclear is safe?! Chernobyl radiation cloud went across EU, UK, and even northeast North America

The nuclear industry wants the politicians, media and people of the world, to believe that nuclear power is SAFE! Please let your contacts, family and friends know the simple real, PROVEN fact: the nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear energy reactor in 1986 released radioactive clouds that were RECORDED and REPORTED by governments and scientists.

These radioative clouds drifted across the EU, the UK, to northeast North America.

We are trying to get the exact statistics about these radiation clouds, and post them here for you... Maybe, some of you --our wonderful readers and supporters of NoNuclearNow-- can help! If you know, send us one of your great emails and let us know what you know!

We understand that radiation levels were up everywhere, where the clouds drifted.

And there is concern that various governments and officials covered up the extent of the danger and consequences this radioactive exposure had on the health of the people of the world!

We heard (unconfirmed) that Scotland's radiation levels were up 10 times over the normal after Chernobyl. We'll try to ask the Honourable Scottish MP Mike Weir, an anti-nuclear proponent, whom we just discovered, may have hit upon an AMAZING admission by a top British nuclear industry exec, that nuclear energy is dangerous!!

We'll be posting more on this later hopefully soon. The Ontario Government's decision on nuclear is looming! And with this nuclear ramp-up, a new looming global nuclear age, that would destroy humanity and civilization.... Please, let's get the information out there! Nuclear is NOT safe. Nuclear is NOT green. Nuclear is Not cost-effective... Nuclear energy is NOT the answer.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thanks! We are ranked TOP 10 on GOOGLE BLOG SEARCH! --but only 27,000 sites warning of dangers of nuclear!

May 4, 2009: 3.11pm, ET
Thanks everyone. Our blog here, "" is in TOP 10 of Google Blog Search, and TOP 1 of "Related Blogs"

Google Blog results
Results 1 - 10 of about 27,208 for "dangers of nuclear energy." (0.96 seconds)

If we are interpreting this right, it is interesting, and perhaps sad that there are so many, many more blog results for "nuclear energy."

Google Blog results
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,584,364 for "nuclear energy." (1.03 seconds)

Does this mean that we are that far behind on building public and media attention to the issue of the "DANGER" of nuclear energy!?

Thanks again to our NoNuclearNow supporters and visitors, and your concerns and efforts on the issues and dangers of nuclear energy.

Scottish MP, Honourable Mike Weir (SNP) catches British

Posted: 2009 May 4. Original material dated April 15, 2009
Source citation:

MP Mike Weir catches British nuclear executive, admitting that nuclear is dangerous?!

We are not quite sure of the source of the quote by Scottish MP, the Honourable Mike Weir, below; but we shall post our followup. AND maybe, we'll see if we can an interview with MP Mike Weir. Here's the piece:

Scottish MP cites senior British Nuclear Fuels executive, admitting to dangers of nuclear energy, on BBC Radio!

Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, David Bonser said … "the Government have decided to go ahead with nuclear power here in the UK. Now, of course, there’s lots of risks around that…"

Mr Weir said:
"David Bonser’s assessment underlines exactly why Scotland is right to reject the development of dangerous, unnecessary and costly new nuclear power stations."Nuclear is unreliable as well as unnecessary. Installed capacity of renewables in Scotland already exceeds installed capacity of nuclear power. We can achieve secure, clean, low carbon energy by harnessing Scotland's vast green potential, tackling climate change without adding to the burden of toxic radioactive waste.
"The risks and uncertainties of nuclear power, in terms of waste disposal, decommissioning, security and health concerns, or cost, are far too great.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Influential Drudge Report notes too that technology cannot control nature's awesome power --"too clever for technology"

April 25, 2009 -- suggests the analogy between the failure of technology and government to control such natural forces as the swine flu, to the failure of government and technology to control safely the natural, awesome and deadly forces and dangers of nuclear energy.

April 29, 2009 --The famous and influential Drudge Report makes a similar analogy with its headline: swine flu... microbe too clever for technology...

April 28, 2009 --Governments imposes curfew on Mexico City, consider suspension of flights to Mexico, closing schools in USA... Technology and government has NO fail-safe ability to control the power and dangers of nuclear energy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Police bias in stopping door-to-door distribution by anti-nuclear activists --what about shampoo samples?!

Dear friends at Greenpeace and Ontario Clean Air Alliance, we just heard about the intervention by some police/government officials, against your great efforts and idea to distribute the iodine pills to highlight the very deadly dangers of nuclear energy!

Some suggest that your initiative failed. We think your iodine project was a great success, and can be even better!

NoNuclearNow suggest that this is a great public and media opportunity to you all, to highlight the dangers of nuclear power.

Regardless of the outcome, the iodine pill action is brilliant, and inspiring.

But we wanted to offer this thought on our blogspot here: is there some bias by some police officials in their handling of your distribution initiative. Do the police confiscate shampoo and cleaning samples in the mailbox, distributed by Big Business!?

Your pills and program is clearly indicated, just as a sample of shampoo or household cleaners is marked, by advertisers. But the police don't confiscate those samples, and threaten criminality?!

You may have a great opportunity to make legitimate noise over the police/government position of your initiative! And sadly, as you know, media attention is what the anti-nuclear cause needs, as the nuclear industry, and some politicians and media, try to shut down the issues and nuclear dangers from the public!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26, 2009: urges Action Now, as the USA Government today declares a NATIONWIDE Public Health Emergency.

April 26, 2009: urges Action Now, as the USA Government today declares a NATIONWIDE Public Health Emergency.

Please take this chilling moment to remind politicians, media and your entire social network that modern technology and governments can NOT fully control the awesome powers of nature: such as swine flu, SARS, AIDS... nor nuclear energy....

To outreach to the broader public and media, we suggest that concerned citizens and activists seeking immediate nuclear energy moratorium in Ontario, Canada, the USA, and around the world, take the following action:

1 Please tell your ENTIRE social network about the USA declaration of a NATIONAL public health emergency on April 26, 2009, because of the recent swine flu outbreak!

2 Like the prior outbreaks of AIDS, SARS and bird flu, the present swine flu outbreak, shows us the dangers of believing the CEO's and spin masters of "BIG BUSINESS," their assurances that corporations and technology are absolutely safe and "fail safe;" that technology and corporations can fully safeguard people and society.

In this case, the nuclear industry wants the politicians and people of Ontario and the world, to believe that technology, and "government memos and regulations" CAN control, absolutely, the awesome --and often deadly-- forces of nuclear energy...

We can NOT yet fully control natural diseases with technology; so how can we believe the nuclear industry can control the wild, awesome, deadly powers of nuclear energy now, and for tens or hundreds of years?!

3) Remind your neighbours, friends and families about the PROVEN failures and INABILITY of the governments and technology of the USA and the world, to control recently nuclear energy now, during the
Three-Mile Island, and Chernobyl nuclear energy disasters!

4) Remind your entire social network that nuclear and government officials admitted that these two nuclear energy stations were on the verge of releasing HUGE amounts of radiation into the air, water and ground.

5) Remind people that millions of people in EU and North America WERE ACTUALLY exposed to radioactive dust clouds from Chernobyl....

6) Remind people that government officials in the USSR and France DENIED initially that there were such radioactive dust clouds... until other governments around the world began detecting and publicly reporting HUGE air-borne radiation across Europe...

7) Remind people that the best technology of mankind cannot control the spread of bird flu and swine flu... We must stop the proliferation of new, potentially catastrophic nuclear energy now! No Nuclear Now

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Amidst swine flu pandemic fears, nuclear industry wants governments and peoples of the world to believe we can control powers of nuclear energy now?

A few years ago, it was SARS outbreak. Now it's possible outbreak of swine flu in USA, at NYC prep school!? Food poisoning outbreaks across the USA, and Canada. Massive food recalls. Children's toy recalls. A massive coverup now being revealed about the water safety of Washington DC. All examples of the fraility of government supervision; the fraility of humanity and nature; and/or even deliberate malfeasance.

Yet, the nuclear industry wants the governments and peoples of the US, Canada and the world, to believe that the nuclear industry can safely control the frightening powers of nuclear energy now!

We need a moratorium on nuclear energy now!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Can we trust government supervision of nuclear energy!?

Governments have failed to supervise drinking water safety, food safety. People have died. Government coverups have been discovered and PROVEN!

The North American, EU and world economies are collapsing after failure by USA government officials and politicians to supervise the financial and banking sectors.

Yet, the governments of North America want us to "trust them," that government can properly supervise the safety of nuclear energy plants! There are proven cases of hundreds and thousands of people who have died or been exposed to toxic chemicals; due directly to government supervision failures of food and environmental safety.

But with nuclear energy reactors, a failure would result in millions of deaths, trillions of dollars of economic loss... probably the death of an entire city and region of America and/or Canada.

Imagine, a "system failure" of the Ontario nuclear energy plants would contaminate some of the productive agriculture land in Canada; the Great Lakes water system; and kill millions of people... Exaggeration? Answer: Chernobyl, and the 30 km radius around it, is still closed after the nuclear energy reactor "failure" there in 1986 --1986!! Chernobyl that killed and exposed hundred of thousands of people DIRECTLY to nuclear energy radiation! and created radioactive clouds that exposed hundreds of millions of people across the EU and North America!

Imagine, an Alberta nuclear energy reactor on top of the tar sands! A nuclear energy "system failure" of the reactor at the tar sands, would make the tar sands lethal and useless for 10,000 years!!!!

There are many stories of nuclear energy reactor accidents, massive cost over-runs, since Chernobyl! Yet the government and mainstream media is telling us that everything is ok?!

Governments must show that they can truly be trusted with nuclear energy, one of mankind's most deadly inventions.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boycott media and advertisers not offering appropriate coverage of the dangers and problems of nuclear energy issue

Hi Everyone!


Please join us at NoNuclearNow, in our call to boycott media and their advertisers, who are showing bias or distortions about the very real dangers of nuclear energy. As you know, we are joining the great activists of Ontario, Canada and the world, against the new unchecked nuclear energy proliferation; trying to mount pressure against politicians, to reconsider a new nuclear energy proliferation!

We at NoNuclearNow hear so many decent, concerned citizens lament about the lack of full, unbiased media coverage about the dangers and problems of nuclear energy: NOT green, NOT cheap energy; and NOT safe. Well, let's take action that hurts the politicians and the corporates where it most matters to many of them: money!

Some people suggest --realize?!-- there is active media suppression/bias downplaying and/or ignoring the problems of nuclear.

In Ontario and around the world, concerned citizens organized creative events a la Ontario Clean Air Alliance, actions a la Greenpeace, letter-writing campaigns to their politicians; newspaper editors, media, etc.

Well, may we at NoNuclearNow suggest the good old --generally, effective!?!-- campaign of boycotts against both bias media and their advertisers!

Many concerned "green" citizens are the very people that advertisers and media are targeting for their products. Products that generally sell for premium prices --and thus, premius profits-- organic foods, "cleaner" hybrid cars, etc. Well, a new nuclear energy proliferation is going to endanger the lives, health and green progress of the entire world.

So may we suggest that you contact your local media outlet, newspaper, radio station, TV station, and let them know whether their coverage of nuclear is appropriate/bias; and whether you are going to be using/boycotting their advertisers' products!

NoNuclearNow is going to be organizing research into the media coverage about nuclear energy. So tune in to our blogsite! Or better yet, help us, by telling us what your impressions are about your local and national media coverage of the dangers of nuclear energy now!

Ontario, Canada is only months/weeks away from committing $26 Billion to new nuclear energy; pushing the world towards a new global nuclear energy proliferation! It's time for people power! Tell your local media outlet and their advertisers what you think now!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Google Search ranks us in the TOP 10! We need to keep the momentum and pressure up against nuclear energy proliferation.

Thank you. Thanks everyone out there.

Depending on the search phrase typed in, since our launch in March 2009, the world's largest search engine, Google Search and Google Blog Search, has ranked our humble little effort here in the TOP 10! 1-10 of 960,000. 1-10 of 2,550,000. 1-10 of 70,000,000!

We need to keep the momentum and pressure up against nuclear proliferation.

So thanks to you all out there, in Canada, the United States, and around the world now (including new friends and global activists in England, Indonesia, China, Australia, etc). Our litttle group and blogsite is now gaining lots of followers, influence, information, inspirational ideas, and activity.... People power. Outreach.

So please come by daily, several times a day, to our blogsite here. Please offer us your thoughts, information, actions, event information, to better this world. The good people of the world need to join together now, and act! We use to say, "let's take action, to better the world." Now we say, "let's take action, to save the world..."

On April 21, 10.38am our blogsite here was ranked TOP 10 by Google Blog Search, the world's largest search engine! Thanks everyone! We need to keep the momentum and pressure up against nuclear proliferation.

As many of you know, we have organized many creative, dynamic events to help get public and media attention, to highlight important social causes and issues; getting local, national and global media coverage, including Associated Press, and the coveted PAGE ONE of USA TODAY, America's largest, and one of the world's best known newspapers.

With our wonderful, visionary organizers, Amy L, Joe C, Greg Allen and Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, our recent NoNuclearNow rally was another world first, highlighting the dangers and issues of nuclear energy.

We created the world's first ever public rally IN a traffic scramble intersection! We stood IN a pedestrian traffic intersection, and between traffic lights, had a soapbox and megaphone, with great speakers like Greg Allen (winner of the respected City of Toronto Green Award 2008); activist Lynn McDonald (a former federal Canadian politician; who successfully fought big tobacco interestsm, with groundbreaking anti-smoking legislation; co-founder of Just Earth); and Shawn Stensil of Greenpeace.

One of NoNuclearNow's top themes and goals is "outreach" -reaching out to the good people of the world; educating the public and media; touching their hearts and minds.

With your input, we hope this blogsite shall become a virtual community centre, a sincere, positive, meaningful world meeting hub of community and global thoughts, action and ideas about nuclear energy.

People power. Outreach, touching the hearts and minds of people, in our various efforts to stop the new lethal --likely unnecessary-- nuclear energy proliferation! To pressure politicians to stop the new nuclear energy proliferation, we must create massive public pressure, to get past those politicians and media tainted and misled by the nuclear industry CEO executives who want the people of the world to believe that nuclear energy is safe, clean and economical.

Nuclear energy is NOT clean, green energy. Nuclear energy is NOT cheap energy. Nuclear energy is NOT safe, and continues to have radiation leaks, accidents and government coverups.

To stop the new nuclear proliferation, we must create massive public pressure. We must outreach to the media, and directly to the people. In this economic collapse, people are busy just surviving. So we need to outreach to people around the world, to reach and educate the sincere, decent journalists and politicans; to reach and educate the good people of the world: nuclear energy is NOT green, NOT cheap economy, and NOT safe.

To outreach, to maximize people power, the power of the people, we believe that creative, dynamic, succinct messages, facts, and images are needed in today's hectic, high-pressure world. We believe this has been part of the reason of the success of many of our events, and certainly of the NoNuclearNow rally --the world's first public rally to be organized IN a traffic scramble intersection!

The local and global economies and environments are being destroyed. A new nuclear energy proliferation may be the best chance --the last chance-- to avoid the collapse of modern society and humanity. The billions and trillions of dollars to to be spent on tainted nuclear energy could go to green, safe energy; and to so many other issues of the world today. Imagine what your community group, your city, your country, this world could do with the billions and trillions of dollars that some politicians want to spend on new nuclear energy!

To repeat, to inspire you --and frankly ourselves:

Depending on the search phrase, since our launch in April 2009, the world's largest search engine, Google Search and Google Blog Search, has ranked us in the TOP 10!

So thanks to you all out there, in Canada, the United States, and around the world now (including England, Indonesia, China), our litttle group and blogsite is gaining lots of followers, information, influence, inspiration and activity.... People power. Outreach.

So please come by daily, several times a day, to our blogsite here. Please offer us your thoughts, information, actions, to better this world. The good people of the world need to join together now, and act! We use to say, "let's take action, to better the world." Now we say, "let's take action, to save the world..." Together we can! Together, we must.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Raising public consciousness, one of our rally speakers seeking public office: Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu nomination meeting tomorrow, Toronto Danforth

While our policy is not to endorse candidates and political parties, NoNuclearNow is certainly about educating, outreaching to the people of Toronto and the world; and raising public consciousness about the crucial issue of nuclear energy proliferation!

As you recall, Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu is one of our original organizers, and key speakers at our history-making NoNuclearNow April 2 rally.

Tomorrow night, April 21, 2009, Adriana has her nomination meeting tomorrow, 7pm, Pape/Danforth Library, Toronto; as the candidate of the Green Party of Canada, in the federal district of "Toronto Danforth."

Thanks to you, this blogsite is one of the TOP 10 on Google Blog Search! 1-10 of 2,550,000, as of April 20, 2009!

So we've got a dynamic and large audience, so we're going to be requesting interviews with politicians, to get their position and views!

So tune in, or even help us to line-up interviews and background stories on politicians and candidates across Ontario and Canada!

We need to act on the dangers of nuclear energy proliferation now!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thanks everyone! Google ranks this blogspot # 9 of 70 Million websites!

Thanks everyone. Let's keep the momentum and pressure on the media and politicians by getting the word out to the people: No Nuclear Now! achieves Google ranking # 9 of 70 Million websites!!

Following is the actual Google Search Page:

Web Images Maps News Video Gmail more ▼
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even more »
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Advanced SearchPreferencesSearch: the web pages from Canada
Results 1 - 10 of about 70,200,000 for nuclear now. (0.13 seconds)

Search Results

Wired 13.02: Nuclear Now!
Nuclear Now! How clean, green atomic energy can stop global warming. By Peter Schwartz and Spencer ReissPage 1 of 5 next » - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

Wired 13.02: Nuclear Now!
Nuclear Now! How clean, green atomic energy can stop global warming. By Peter Schwartz and Spencer Reiss« back Page 5 of 5 - 33k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from »

Nuclear Power Now
Nuclear Power Now. Nuclear power is the world's largest source of emission-free energy. Nuclear power plants produce no controlled air pollutants, - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Nuclear Power Politics
Nuclear Now, With high probability, the countries of the world will face a decision between greatly expanded nuclear energy and a greatly reduced standard - 14k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from »

NUCLEAR NOW (27-Aug-2008)
NUCLEAR NOW. 2008 June 20 Too little and too late Senator McCain has just proposed that the U.S. build 45 nuclear power reactors by the year 2032. - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
Nuclear Now! - Article on
16 posts - 10 authorsNow, here is one technical question. While the Hawai'ans would probably best served by exporting the small quantity of high level nuclear waste to Yucca - 103k - Cached - Similar pages

Go Nuclear Now
I think we should go for nuclear energy as something that can help us now with global warming. Here in Australia the Labor Party and Green - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Nuclear Advocacy Webring
The Nuclear Advocacy Webring is a group of independent websites dedicated to providing information and/or organizing in support of nuclear power and nuclear - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

No Nuclear Now. Because Nuclear is NOT green. Nuclear is NOT economical nor effective. Nuclear is NOT safe! Through energy conservation measures, nuclear - 75k - Cached - Similar pages

Editorial: Nuclear - now it's not so clear - Nuclear power - NZ ...
13 Sep 2007 ... In Sydney late last week, Vladimir Putin signed a deal to buy uranium from Australia for Russia's civilian power - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One of our speakers at our world-history-making NoNuclearNow rally made history already! Lynn McDonald

Ms Lynn McDonald was one of our speakers at our April 2, 2009 rally in Toronto, Canada; where we made world history. Thanks to you, our speakers and our supporters, we became the first public rally in the world, to organize IN a pedestrian scramble intersection!

Regarding, Ms McDonald. She was a former federal politician in Canada, the MP for
Broadview-Greenwood in Toronto (1982-1988). We invited Ms McDonald to speak at our rally because of her efforts and expertise as both a former anti-nuclear activist. Her activism now is directed at the community organization, Just Earth, and their crucial efforts in the crucial issue of climate change.

But Ms McDonald and Just Earth supported our rally, recognizing that the planned global proliferation of nuclear energy would directly impact climate change!

Ms McDonald has already made history, herself, on many fronts; including her anti-tobacco efforts, by being one of the few politicians in Canada to successfully introduce legislation, while not in the ruling government party (i.e., "private member's bill"). Her legislation sought to restrict smoking and ban tobacco ads, Bill C 204.

Given today's information and bans on smoking around the world, Ms McDonald was very much ahead of the curve in her thinking in the 1980's! We thank her in her support of our efforts at NoNuclearNow.

As well, we at NoNuclearNow are pleased and honoured that Ms McDonald has graciously accepted our invitation to join another action by NoNuclearNow to continue the momentum of the anti-nuclear energy movement! Another secret initiative at this moment. But be on the lookout --this action shall mount national and global action and attention on the dangers of nuclear energy!

We urge and thank everyone, keeping up on the media and public pressure against nuclear energy!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A speaker from our history-making rally looks to make history again! Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu

Hi Everyone!

Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu was one of our great speakers at our history-making pedestrian scramble intersection rally on April 2, 2009. With her support and yours, we became the first social cause to ever organize a rally in a traffic pedestrian scramble!

Well, we just heard that Adriana is looking to make history again, as she becomes the federal Green Party candidate in the Toronto riding of "Toronto Danforth."

While we're a non-partisan group, and don't endorse specific parties or candidates, we do want to say that with the world economy and environment collapsing, we need to raise the media and public consciousness. We need good people and activists like Adriana in politics.

Thanks for taking on the challenge; and good luck, Adriana.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thanks! Our blogspot beats Google ranking of pro-nuclear org and pro-nuclear government sites!

Thanks again, everyone!

Sure, we're not the #1 site if someone typed in "nuclear," or "nuclear power." But those people typing in such typical phrasing of teens, young adults and some activists would see our blogspot ranked #1: "no nuclear," "nuclear now."

Imagine, some of the sites that we beat out on google search, are large activist or even
pro-nuclear power organizations and pro-nuclear government utilities! --who probably spent thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars on IT staff, marketing staff, public relations staff! And in our efforts to highlight the ANTI-nuclear position, our little blogspot and effort beat them all in the global Google search rankings!

Thanks again. Now let's keep on the media and public pressure to highlight nuclear's problems.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Google search ranks this blogspot #1 today!

Thanks everyone! Our blogspot is ranked 1 of 29,200,000 for the search "nuclear now."

The following is the results of a Google search today, April 14, 2009, at about 10.28 am Toronto, Canada.

Advanced SearchPreferencesSearch: the web pages from Canada
Results 1 - 10 of about 29,200,000 for no nuclear now. (0.38 seconds)
Search Results
1 Apr 2009 ... Through energy conservation measures, nuclear may not even be needed! Please join us to get the word out. No Nuclear Now is trying to help - 68k - Cached - Similar pages
NoNuclearNow: A special public rally. "No nuclear now." April 2 ...
No Nuclear Now. Because Nuclear is NOT green. Nuclear is NOT economical nor effective. Nuclear is NOT safe! Through energy conservation measures, html - 65k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from »
No 2 Nuclear Power
Nuclear is a once-significant but now dying industry already fading from the ... No Thanks” logo on T-shirts made of organic, fairly-traded cotton to mark - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
Nuclear Power Now
Nuclear Power Now. Nuclear power is the world's largest source of emission-free energy. Nuclear power plants produce no controlled air pollutants, - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
Wired 13.02: Nuclear Now!
Nuclear Now! How clean, green atomic energy can stop global warming. By Peter Schwartz and Spencer ReissPage 1 of 5 next » - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
Editorial: Nuclear - now it's not so clear - Nuclear power - NZ ...
Editorial: Nuclear - now it's not so clear. 5:00AM Thursday Sep 13, 2007 ... In that case, a closed mind may no longer be an option. =10463204 - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
NOW Magazine // Daily // Unclear nuclear threat
2 Apr 2009 ... Everyone’s too busy enjoying themselves to take much notice of the No Nuclear Now protestor standing on a milk carton in the middle of the - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
Battle’s Blog » Blog Archive » Desperate Times-Is Nuclear Now The ...
2 Responses to “Desperate Times-Is Nuclear Now The Only Answer?” mark lazen Says : There’s no room for dogmatism anymore. We need deep pragmatism. - 34k - Cached - Similar pages
East Bay Express News Nuclear Now, for the Good of the Earth
No utility has opened a US nuclear power plant since that dark day in 1979. ... Now the managing director of Claremont Creek Ventures, an Oakland-based Content?oid=290951 - 63k - Cached - Similar pages
Nuclear Now! - Article on
16 posts - 10 authorsNuclear Now! - Article on Nuclear Engineering. ... I am no expeert at nuclear theory, just an interested reader. How do pebble-bed reactors work - 103k - Cached - Similar pages

Thanks all ! "NoNuclearNow" is ranked #1, 1 of 29,200,000 by Google search today!

Thanks everyone! Our blogspot is ranked #1 of 29,200,000 by Google search!

Thanks everyone in visiting our little blogspot here, in our first baby step efforts to get the word out to the world, about the big dangers of nuclear energy now.

Great news that we hope inspires you. At April 14, 2009, 10:28 am Toronto, we were told that our blogspot, "NoNuclearNow" is ranked #1, 1 of 29,200,000 by Google search of the key words, "Nuclear Now" !!

At this moment: 11.08 am Toronto, we are #11 in the world... Results 11 - 20 of about 73,200,000 for nuclear now. (0.07 seconds) Oh well :)

Again, our thanks to everyone, and a special thanks and recognition of their special place in our efforts to better the world: BIG thanks to Amy L, Mary CFM, A Susan K and U John K, Greg Allen, Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, Angela Bischoff, B Paul, Maria D, Sharon Howarth, Lynn McDonald, Shawn Stensil, Evette; our friends at Just Earth, Ontario Clean Air, Greenpeace...

And thanks to our blogspot inspirations, in our baby steps to the amazing #1 ranking on Google Search: Sarah Prevette; and Ebrahim K, our IT King!

NOW, please, let's use our great momentum of goodness and public awareness, to highlight the dangers of nuclear energy now, and the other crucial issues that threaten the very survival of today's civilization and the good people of this world!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We made world history together. Thanks!

To highlight, the dangers and debate over nuclear energy, NoNuclearNow organized the world's first rally by a social cause, in a traffic pedestrian scramble --at Toronto's only scramble intersection at Yonge Street and Dundas Street!

No Nuclear Now. No Nuclear energy now, because:

Nuclear is NOT green, not clean.

Nuclear is NOT economic, not cheap energy

Nuclear is NOT safe!

Nuclear energy is the next ponzi scheme?

Is the nuclear industry organizing a Ponzi Scheme against the governments and peoples of Ontario , Canada, and the world?

1) Nuclear reactors cost taxpayers billions of dollars

2) Nuclear reactors cost taxpayers billions of dollars, more than stated in the budgets

3) Nuclear reactors require massive taxpayers to maintain, safeguard the spent nuclear waste

4) Nuclear reactors only last about 20 years or so; and then require billions of taxpayers dollars to shut down (think of the fees you pay to throw out your garbage; and multiply by billions!)

5) Nuclear reactors cost billions of taxpayers dollars to construct, maintain, and guard storage site for nuclear reactor waste... for thousands of years!

6) If there were ever a terrorist attack, or major accident, the cost to taxpayers would be potentially trillions of dollars --not to mention the loss of potentially millions of lives....
( Not reasonable comment? Before a successful shutdown, the USA Three-Mile Island reactor officially declared a state of emergency, i.e., possible major radiation leak that would be lethal to humans. But the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor did explode, blowing radioactive dust clouds that exposed millions of people across western Europe and eastern North America. The area around the Chernobyl disaster is still closed, for a radius of 30 km --0ver 20 years later!

7) The nuclear industry tells government leaders and the peoples of the world that nuclear is green, cheap energy, and safe... We are told that if an investment by taxpayers into nuclear energy shall result in cheap, safe energy ... but it seems that taxpayers just continue and continue to pay, for the maintenance, repair, and even the eventual shutdown of nuclear reactors.

8) Please consider the Wikipedia definition of a Ponzi scheme:

a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors rather than from any actual profit earned. The Ponzi scheme usually offers returns that other investments cannot guarantee in order to entice new investors, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going.
The system is destined to collapse...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A World First --Media Release of 2009 April 2 Event

Media Release – A World First --Toronto- April 2, 2009- Event today Noon!

The world's first social-cause event organized IN a public pedestrian scramble intersection, highlights dangers of nuclear energy!

"No Nuclear Now," a community group, organizes the world's first "intersecting" of the new internet phenomenon of "social networking;" a social cause; and the age-old, key right to "freedom of speech."

(TORONTO) It's as if the city of London's "Speaker Corner" at Hyde Park was dropped into Toronto Canada's only pedestrian traffic scramble intersection!

Today, for the first time in the world, an entire social-cause event is held IN and around a pedestrian traffic scramble intersection! This special event actually achieves two "firsts" in the history of Toronto, Canada, and the whole world, as "No Nuclear Now," a community group of genuine and concerned citizens, gets "the word out" on the problems of the still unsettled debate over nuclear energy --one of the most important issues of our time that shall impact your personal future, and that the very survival of modern civilization as we know it today! A debate that some politicians, media, and nuclear company executives are trying to shut down and suppress.

There are many pedestrian scrambles in the world. Japan calls its 300 pedestrian traffic intersections, "scramble crossings," or "sukuranburu-kōsaten."

Today's April 2 event is the FIRST TIME in the history of Toronto and the whole world where three important social phenomena meet –literally in an "intersection! 1) social cause meets 2) the new internet phenomenon of "social networking," and 3) the old-age human desire for freedom of speech, as symbolized by "soapbox democracy." Speaking out on important issues from on top of a soapbox!

At this April 2 event, during "pedestrian scrambles," event speakers stand on a "soapbox" in the middle of the street intersections of Yonge Street and Dundas Street, Toronto, Canada; speaking about the dangers of nuclear energy power.

Yonge Street is the longest street in the world, and the intersection at Yonge Street and Dundas Street, is a symbolic centre of Toronto, Canada's largest
city --and also within the zone of any major radiation leak from the nearby Pickering nuclear energy reactor! Yonge Street would become the world's longest graveyard...

The dangers and energy issues of nuclear power is not an exaggeration by fringe fools. Far from it, respected social and energy experts like Greg Allen, the 2008 recipient of the City of Toronto's own Green Leadership Award, warn us that nuclear energy is expensive, unreliable, deadly and UNNECESSARY.

Media Release – A World First --Toronto- April 2, 2009- Event today Noon!
Page 2 of 2

At today's scramble event, social activists like Adriana Magnutto-Hamu, Angela Bischoff, Ontario Clean Air Alliance; Shawn Patrick, Greenpeace; Lynn McDonald, former MP activist, who led early anti-smoking legislation. They note that the very genuine nuclear energy concerns of the peoples of Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the world are being shut down, ignored!

Ontario is about to spend $26 Billion --during a global economic collapse!!-- on one of the world's largest nuclear energy expansion since the world's worst nuclear energy reactor explosion --at Europe's Chernobyl reactor. That explosion exposed millions of people in Europe and even North America to potentially deadly and disease-causing radiation dust clouds!

Today N3 (No Nuclear Now) joins the coalition of genuine, concerned community people and organizations in Ontario and the world, calling for a moratorium on nuclear energy reactors!

Remember, over 20 years after the disaster, the Chernobyl nuclear energy reactor --and an area of 30 kilometres around this deadly reactor-- is still permanently closed to humans... The city of Toronto, the pedestrian scramble at Dundas Street and Yonge Street would become a radioactive wasteland...

"Now Nuclear Now" wants you, and the peoples of Ontario and the world to know what suppressed respected energy experts are saying.

Genuinely concerned citizens and media of Toronto, Ontario and the world, join us, get the facts and the truth that some politicians and media, nuclear company CEO's and their Wall Street/Bay Street bankers do NOT want you to know! Nuclear is deadly and unreliable. Nuclear is not needed.

N3: No Nuclear Now. Because nuclear power is NOT green. Nuclear is NOT cheap. Nuclear is NOT safe!

To contact our speakers or organization:

No Nuclear Now

-- 30 --

N3 mediarelease20090402-928amYYZ

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A world first! Be part of a rally to get global public and media attention to the dangers of nuclear energy

No Nuclear Now.

A special public event on April 2, 2009. Be part of a worldwide first!
Yonge Dundas Square, downtown Toronto. Corner of Yonge Street and Dundas Street.

We begin at 12 noon to 1pm, but try to get there at the beginning, as it's going to be a fun surprise, a world first! Because sadly, some politicians and nuclear company executives want to suppress the problems about nuclear energy, we need to be creative in getting public and media attention to this important cause.

No Nuclear energy now. Because Nuclear is NOT green
Nuclear is NOT economical
Nuclear is not safe.

With better energy conservative and alternative energy, the billions that should be spent on nuclear by the Canadian and Ontario Government may NOT be needed at all!

According to the globally respected Moody's business rating service, the credit rating of public energy utility companies in the USA that construct nuclear plants end up dropping, by upwards of 30%!

So come join in, Toronto's Yonge Dundas Square, as we begin to outreach to the peoples and media of Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the world! No nuclear now!

Maria D write: how much more proof do we need of nuclear energy problems

If radioactivity has proven to be a devastating life killer in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the Marshall Islands, the Caribbean Seas, Chernobyl, to mention just a few, why is this even being raised as a question? How much proof is needed? One can get a good picture of the outcome by watching the Chernobyl documentary, and by going to the website of Steven Starr, a socially responsible scientist who is also educating the public about the consequences of nuclear fallout and the destruction of the natural sacred balance of the Earth. The Earth is a living organism and radioactivity is a life killer. This is why all life would be wiped off the map, if ever a nuclear war ensued between those countries that continue to amass military power and nuclear warheads. Atomic tests have the power to tip the poles of the Earth. If this ever came to be Oceans would be taken out of their beds and all life would be annihilated. A nuclear war would, and honest scientists and government officials, in the know, are aware that it would provoke global climate change but would implode this beautiful planet that has, generously, given us life. Why do we keep on this path of war and destruction and are incredibly, insensitive to Mother Earth's plight?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A special public rally. "No nuclear now." April 2, 2009, 12 noon. Please join us get the word out --the truth out-- on the dangers of nuclear energy

A Special Public Rally on April 2, 2009, at 12 noon. "No Nuclear Now." No nuclear energy now. We want to keep the message simple and direct.

The location is still a secret, but please read on! We can tell you that the rally's going to be downtown Toronto, in the financial, business, cultural centre. Please join us at a special public rally, that we hope begins a new era of nuclear consciousness and concern by the citizens of Ontario, Canada and the world.

We've gotten local, national and international media coverage to important social causes before. As you know, you often need a creative “twist” to your event, to get the attention of the media and public; our event shall be a first. So the location and concept is still a secret. But please do plan to come out, and join us on this very important cause. Truly, your personal future and that of the people of the world is at stake.

No new nuclear energy now! In a mere 90 days, Ontario may start the clock on the end of the world --no exaggeration. By making one of the world's largest commitment to new nuclear energy stations, Ontario will restart one of the most expensive and dangerous government programs ever created by mankind: expensive, deadly nuclear power stations.

The Ontario Government plans to spend $26 Billion on new nuclear energy in Ontario. That money could do so much for the Ontario economy, to launch green jobs; inject money into medical research, the arts; helping the poor, homeless, unemployed…

Some politicians, nuclear company CEO's and their investment bankers on Wall Street/Bay Street are trying to stop you and the media from knowing the truth about the economic, green environmental and safety dangers of nuclear energy.

Amongst our speakers, Greg Allen, a lifetime energy activist and visionary; the recipient of the 2008 City of Toronto Green Awards. Ms Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, a social and energy activist; a member of various global climate change coalitions; and a critic of global nuclear energy proliferation.

Our organizers include people who have created special events that have gotten local, national and international media, including an event that may be one of the only Canadian stories to be featured on the coveted Page One of USA TODAY, America's and one of the world's largest and best known newspapers.

We are urging you to join this rally, the broader movement, to get out the truth about the dangers of nuclear energy. No Nuclear Energy Now. Help us get the word out.

In 90 days, the Government of Ontario plans to commit $26 Billion Cdn to one of the largest nuclear programs since the Chernobyl nuclear energy station disaster --that released into the air, radioactive dust clouds that exposed millions of people in Russia, the Ukraine, Europe and even North America....

Our facts and motivation are simple: No Nuclear Now. No nuclear energy now.
Because nuclear energy is NOT green.
Because nuclear energy is NOT cheap energy.
Because nuclear energy is NOT safe.
Nuclear energy may NOT be even needed.

A rally on April 2, 2009, 12 noon. Please tell your family, friends, co-workers, far and wide. If nuclear power is unleashed in Ontario, it shall spread throughout the world. Come out to the rally, if you can. “Tune-in” to our blogspot here, if you can. Contribute your thoughts, campaign ideas, information. Together, we can --together, we must-- send the message to the peoples of Canada and the world: NO NUCLEAR NOW.

Our event also inspired by the new social network of

Funny enough, we can't tell you exactly why yet, but we wanted to thank also Afshin and Darius, founders of, in their unknowing inspiration of our upcoming April 2, 2009 public rally event too!

We can't reveal yet, how exactly they inspired us, as that might give away our event's special "twist" that makes our event another "first" in city, and maybe in the world!

So stay tuned --or better yet, come out to our rally on April 2, 2009, downtown Toronto, meeting at Dundas Square, 12 noon-- as we hope to help bring publicity to the important cause of community activists and citizens concerned by a possible unprecedented proliferation of dangerous, deadly, unnecessary nuclear energy!

Thanks again to Afshin, Darius and the members at dailychallenge, who are trying to help people and better our world too! P.S. They have great upcoming event too. See their website.

We need to outreach and stand together, the good people of Toronto, Canada and the world!

Redwire's unique twitter event helped inspire us on our rally

A quick word of thanks and appreciation to RedWire's Sarah Prevette, Founder. Without knowing it, her enthusiasm, creativity, and knowledge of social networking, helped inspire us in creating our upcoming April 2, 2009 public rally! Her network got media attention to their good society cause, by organizing their whole event in Feb 2009, by the Twitter, the social network! They got great local and national media coverage!

Well, as you know, we're pretty good at getting local, national and international media coverage too --by the conventional communications route of flyers and emails. So we're stirring the creativity pot, in hopes of drawing badly needed public and media attention to the important cause of the dangers of nuclear power! Nuclear power is NOT green, NOT clean, NOT economical, and NOT safe!! Yet our Ontario Government wants to spend $26 Billion on it; and is trying to shutdown the media and public debate on this issue!

Please support this important cause, and attend our "public rally with a twist," on April 2, 2009, 12 noon to 1pm, meeting at Dundas Square, downtown Toronto.
Evette writes:

I am going to your April 2nd rally, because I am very surprised and angry, by the information, that I see, here, about nuclear energy. The government tells us that nuclear is safe, clean, reliable! Now I see on your blog, that nuclear is still very dangerous!

I did not buy a house in Pickering, for the very reason, that it was too close to Pickering. When I was looking for a house, I remember thinking, who would want to live so close to a nuclear power plant? Now you tell me that my family and I, and Toronto is in the danger zone still!

You're right. The radiation would carry in the air for miles!

Thank you for your efforts, and information! See you Thursday.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Amy WL: I don't understand Minister George Smitherman

Amy WL writes:

The Honourable Minister for Energy and Infrastructure for Ontario, George Smitherman, went to Europe in the summer of 2008, to consider the future of Ontario’s energy policies and opportunities. He stated then that the green policies and opportunities in Europe were most impressive, and inspiring.

How can Minister Smitherman and the Government of Ontario be so committed nuclear energy?!

There's hope to reconsider nuclear energy: The Economist: Germany reconsiders nuclear power

Germany reconsiders nuclear power

Aug 2nd 2007 From The Economist print edition

UNTIL recently, nuclear power seemed to be making its way back into public favour in Germany. A warm winter, and dire warnings by scientists about climate change, convinced many that carbon emissions might be a bigger danger than nuclear accidents or radioactive waste. Opinion polls this spring showed that fewer than half of Germans favoured continuing the policy, adopted in 2000, of phasing out all nuclear plants by 2021.
About a quarter of Germany's electricity still comes from nuclear reactors, and the country's four big power companies had dared to hope for a reprieve for nuclear power—at least to extend the life of existing reactors, if not permission to build new ones. But that changed at the end of June, when two separate accidents at nuclear plants operated by Vattenfall, a Swedish company, in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, set back the pro-nuclear lobby once again.

More sad proof that mankind cannot control nuclear energy

In an article by Bill Sammon, (March 30, 2009), Sammon writes "The (American) defense secretary told FOX News Sunday that the United States can do nothing to stop North Korea from thumbing its nose at the international community by test-firing a long-range missile."

The North Korean leader, one of the most secretive, despotic leaders in the world, is on the verge of entering the nuclear arms race. The source of his nuclear bomb material? --civilian nuclear energy plants, of course... The people of the world need to carefully consider the consequences of a new proliferation of nuclear energy...

The message that inspired the beginning of this blogspot

This blog and message was started and inspired by a conversation with respected Canadian energy visionary, Mr Greg Allen, the 2008 recipient of the respected City of Toronto Green Award. Those who have heard him speak, agree that he is indeed a "Green Guru." Well, we had the honour of hearing him speak about the future of global energy, oil, natural gas, solar, etc. Then Mr Allen made a sigh, and lamented that some politicians and media have effectively shut down the debate on the issue of an extensive $26 Billion program by the Government of Ontario and Canada for new nuclear energy plants. Mr Allen explained why he thought nuclear was dangerous, inefficient, and NOT even needed! This blogspot is our reaction to this news. A truth that various groups and organizations realized much earlier, and are trying to get out to the people!

We need to join together, to help outreach to the peoples of Toronto, Canada and the world.
Some politicians, bankers, governments and nuclear industry experts tell us that nuclear is safe, clean, cheap.

In 1976, the Three-Mile Island nuclear plant narrowly avoided a major disaster that would have released deadly radiation in the USA.

In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the USSR, exposed over 500,000 people directly to radiation; and created a radioactive cloud that drifted across Sweden, France, and Europe, to North America, exposing millions more people... For the first few days, the government leaders of Russia, France and others even denied there was any radiation leak at all... until the media broke the story...
Nuclear is NOT green.
Nuclear is NOT economical.
Nuclear is NOT safe.

As Mr Allen notes, peoples of Canada and the world have the power to choose.

Nuclear power. Oil, natural gas. Wind, solar. Energy conservation. What is the truth? What is the future? As Mr Allen notes, mankind is at a great "fork in the road."

We have the power to choose. We must help get the message out. Help educate the people. We have the power to act --to stop new nuclear expansion. No nuclear energy now. We must act. For the sake of our own future and legacy, and that of our children, and world. If we choose wrongly; if we fail to act, civilization and humanity as we know it now, may end. The people of Ontario, Canada, and the world need to come together now.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

One of the most important issues in your lifetime --no joke, no exaggeration

No Nuclear Now.

In a mere 90 days, Ontario may start the clock on the end of the world --no joke, no exaggeration. By making one of the world's largest commitment to new nuclear energy stations, Ontario will restart one of the most expensive and dangerous government programs ever created by mankind: expensive, deadly nuclear power stations.

Some politicians, nuclear company CEO's and their investment bankers on Wall Street/Bay Street are trying to stop you and the media from knowing the truth about the economic, green environmental and safety dangers of nuclear energy.

On April 2, 2009, at 12 noon, a special public rally shall begin, that we hope begins a new era of nuclear consciousness and concern by the citizens of Ontario, Canada and the world. Amongst our speakers, Greg Allen, a lifetime energy activist and visionary; the recipient of the 2008 City of Toronto Green Awards. Ms Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu, a social and energy activist; a member of various global climate change coalitions; and a critic of global nuclear energy proliferation.

Citizens of the world should --must-- take action together, against one of the greatest threats to the world; against you, your loved ones, your personal and financial future; your very survival and that of the world. No Nuclear energy Now.

We invite you, the peoples and citizens of Ontario, Canada, and the world, to join together.
Please keep the date and time open. The unique location in downtown Toronto, near the political, cultural and financial centre of Canada...

Our organizers include people who have created special events that have gotten local, national and international media. One of our organizer created an event that may be one of the only Canadian stories to be featured on the coveted Page One of USA TODAY, America's and one of the world's largest and best known newspapers. We are urging you to join this rally, this movement, to get out the truth about the dangers of nuclear energy. No Nuclear Now. Help us get the world out. Help us to save your city, your world. No Nuclear Now.

In 90 days, the Government of Ontario plans to commit $26 Billion Cdn to one of the largest nuclear programs since the Chernobyl nuclear energy station disaster --that launched into the air, radiation dust clouds that exposed millions of people in Russia, the Ukraine, Europe and even North America....

Our facts and motivation are simple:

No Nuclear Now. No nuclear energy now.

Because nuclear energy is NOT green.

Because nuclear energy is NOT cheap energy.

Because nuclear energy is NOT safe.

Nuclear energy may NOT be even needed.

Consider one of the most basic facts, and truth of the danger of nuclear energy: Over 30 years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the areas around Chernobyl are still permanently closed, to a distance of 30 km in all directions.... Clouds of radioactive dust drifted across Europe from Chernobyl, even reaching parts of North America. Millions of people were exposed to this radiation failout.

Tell your family, friends, co-workers, far and wide. If nuclear power is unleashed in Ontario, it shall spread throughout the world. This "No Nuclear Now" rally is the beginning of a campaign to save the peoples of Canada, and the world. Come out to the rally, if you can. Tune-in to our blogspot here, if you can. Contribute your thoughts, campaign ideas, information. Together, we can --together, we must-- send the message to the peoples of Canada and the world: NO NUCLEAR NOW.