Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Using legislation to fight nuclear energy proliferation

We at NoNuclearNow, want to ask you, the people of the world, for your thoughts and ideas on what legislative pressure we can bring to oppose the looming unchecked nuclear energy proliferation in Ontario, Canada and the world. Some examples --some successful, at that, so take heart, everyone!

1 In the USA, some recent proposed nuclear energy reactor projects have been stopped, because legislation has banned taxpayer bailouts of any overruns by new nuclear energy reactor constructions... The nuclear companies themselves suspended their projects! What does that say about the nuclear industry's claims of being efficient, cost-effective, safe...

2 In Canada, anti-nuclear activists are seeking similar legislation amendments to the provincial Ontario Government's Green Act.

3 In Scotland, we were provided with the following comment from Utility Week; a quote that suggests another avenue that the public may use to bring pressure to bear on nuclear energy proliferation: planning and zoning.

"Mike Weir, the Scottish National Party MP for Angus, insisted: "The Scottish Government are entitled to exercise their power under the electricity and planning legislation"."

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