Tuesday, May 19, 2009

National Waste Management Organization has plan for safe nuclear fuel storage?! NWMO ad sounds like series of oxymorons that could destroy humanity?!

2009 May 19: 2.37 am ET

The National Waste Management Organization has plan for SAFE nuclear fuel storage?! NWMO ads in media sound like series of oxymorons that could destroy humanity --"safe" nuclear storage?!

With the threat of natural disasters and terrorism, where and what is a "safe" storage location and structure for nuclear fuel, and nuclear waste fuel? How can we safeguard radioactive "nuclear waste" for hundreds and thousands of years?! A single nuclear leak could enter the global air, and/or national ground water... Exaggeration, paranoia of anti-nuclear nuts...?! Government officials have admitted to these two very possibilities in the cases of Three-Mile Island, and Chernobyl. In fact, recent UK "leaks" of studies, show that many Brit UK farms and sheeps are today still scanned and rejected for sale, because of dangerous levels of radiation, caused by Chernobyl --in 1986!!!

These are some of the very issues that Mr Greg Allen and Ms Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu articulated in March 2009, that inspired our NoNuclearNow efforts, such as this very blog, and our history-making rally, to highlight anti-nuclear issues that are being suppressed by nuclear industry actions as this one by the "Nuclear Waste Management Organization." A half-page ad in today's Toronto Star, to seek a "fair process" to find a "community to host... safe containment and isolation of Canada's used nulcear feul for the long term..."

And what is the true costs of such facilities? How many billions of scarce, dwindling taxpayer dollars would have to be spent to design, build, maintain, safeguard these storge sites, against earthquake, terrorists... for centuries... ?! Is there really a plan?

Some anti-nuclear activists believe such "safe" nuclear waste sites cannot be achieved.

Look at the nuclear waste leaks we have today. Look at the very real fear by the governments of the USA and Britain, Germany, etc. that terrorists shall get nuclear weapons grade material from nuclear waste storage?!

One of the big concerns about nuclear energy power, of course, is the storage of the fuel, after it thas been used. This " fuel waste" may be radioactive for hundreds or thousands of years.

The nuclear industry is holding a series of information sessions to supposedly initiate dialogue, to create a fair process to identify a community to host such a "safe containment" area for Canada's nuclear waste...

We just discovered this "consultation process" in the newspaper. There are 6 such meetings in Ontario through May 2009. Toronto is May 21, Marriott Toronto Downtown.

Concerned citizens should attend. Is there time to organize anti-nuclear position and action around these meetings?

By the way, anti-nuclear activists are just exaggerating, paranoid?! Today's news, includes announcements that Canada's Chalk River nuclear reactors may have to be shut down again, due to problems. Last year, the reactors were shut down so long that the world's nuclear medicine supplies were so depleted, that tests and treatments needing nuclear isotopes were cancelled! So let's have a nuclear moratorium, before we build hundreds of new "SAFE" nuclear reactors; that have "safe" sites for nuclear waste --that is radioactive for hundreds of years...

We can NOT trust nuclear industry officials without true citizen and government review and cooperation. Concerned citizens must outreach now to the good people in government, public and media!

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