Thursday, July 16, 2009

Great victory to people power against nuclear, but where is media?!

Great victory to people power against nuclear, but where is media?!
2009 July 16

In June 2009, Ontario was to announce commitment of $26 BILLION CDN to new nuclear power in Ontario, Canada. Instead, the Ontario Government --and federal Canadian Government, in essence-- have announced formally their decision to suspend their new MASSIVE nuclear power ramp-up!?

The probable reason: a broad, bold grassroots efforts by citizens of Ontario, Canada, against new nuclear power.

But the Ontario announcement was made weeks ago: question, where are the media stories about the issue, about the government bowing to genuine citizen concerns about the economic viability, and safety of nuclear energy power!

Where is the media? Where is the media?

Monday, July 6, 2009

people power stops nuclear explosion in Ontario, Canada

People power stops nuclear explosion in Ontario, Canada
2009 July 7

Public activism, people power?! The governments of Ontario and Canada have announced suspension of their plans to commit to new nuclear power plants! Thus saving taxpayers $26 Billion (before billions of dollars more in overruns!). And potentially saving the peoples of Ontario, Canada and the world, from a nuclear leak or explosion! Certainly, from an "explosion" of new nuclear energy plants and plans! Congratulations again, people who worked so hard on this. Sadly, the battle continues:

Nuclear is NOT safe, NOT economical, NOT green.

Thanks to all you activists and citizens, who spoke out and told your politicians "No to Nuclear!"