Thursday, June 18, 2009

Canadian Government to get out of nuclear isotope biz

June 17, 2009 --The Canadian Government seems determined now to get out of the nuclear isotope biz, supplying 50% or more of the world's supply, used for important --in some cases, essential-- medical tests, and cancer treatments.

The Government has announced that it is advising nations of the world, so other supplies can be developed... Not much comfort to patients now, who are getting medical treatment that is being compromised by the Canadian supply shortage.

It is said that many patients may be exposed to higher radiation doses, as their doctors are forced to use other treatments and tests, if the isotope shortage worsens!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Federal Minister of Natural Resources apologizes for nuclear reactor comments

Federal Minister of Natural Resources apologizes for nuclear reactor comments

June 10, 2009

A day after refusing to apologize, yesterday, Federal Minister made tearful public apology over her tape-recorded comments suggesting that she was happy to make political gain from the shortage of medical isotopes supplied by Chalk River nuclear plant, in Ontario, Canada. The plant provides 30%, to 50% or more of the WORLD'S supply of medical isotopes, essential in key medical tests and cancer treatments!

The Minsiter did not know about the tape-recording, made accidentally, by her aide; but tried unsuccessfully to have the tapes blocked from public release! The Minister tendered her resignation, which was rejected by Canada's leader, the Prime Minister.

The debate should NOT be able the tape recordings being made, or released. The debate and public anger should be about the dangers and unreliability of nuclear energy, and the deaths that should be caused by the world shortage that may result from the possible mismanagement of the nuclear plant!

This incident showing the problems of nuclear plants, should be clear proof that the planned ramp-up of new nuclear plants must be studied more carefully.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Taped Canadian Cabinet Minister heard happy to have nuclear reactor leaks

Taped Canadian Cabinet Minister heard happy to have nuclear reactor leaks

June 9, 2009, E.T.

Already closed weeks ago, Chalk River nuclear reactor has another leak! And now a leak scandal of a different kind:

A Judge allows release of tapes of Federal Canadian Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt in private, calling the isotope shortage a "sexy" issue that she hopes to take credit for, while calling her colleague, the Minister of Health, weak on this issue!

On the problem: "I'm ready to roll the dice on this. This is an easy one. You know what solves this problem? Money. And if it's just about money, we'll figure it out. It's not a moral issue."

The judge noted: "The issue of the political oversight of Canada's medical isotope system is literally a matter of life and death for cancer patients. It is a matter of intense public interest," he said. "The handling of this issue by the government and the cabinet ministers is a matter of immediate public and political interest."

Chalk River nuclear reactor provides over 50% of the world's medical isotopes. Sources say Chalk River could be closed for months more than the public predictions of government officials.

NoNuclearNow with excerpts from artic6le by: By Murray Brewster, The Canadian Press. 2009 June 9

As Ontario, Canada moves to ramp-up nuclear, second leak at nuclear reactor in a month. Has 50% of world medical istopes

As Ontario, Canada moves to ramp-up nuclear, second leak at nuclear reactor in a month. Has 50% of world medical istopes

Toronto --June 8, 2009. Most mainstream media not running the story, but there are new leaks at the Chalk River nuclear reactor in Ontario, Canada. Chalk River is responsible for over 50% of the world's supply of medical isotopes, that are used in such critical tests as MRI's, and cancer treatments.

Yet, the Ontario and Canadian governments are moving forward with plans to rampup nuclear reactors in Ontario and Canada.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Confidential Government Memos: Chalk River reactor cost overruns hidden from public!!

Confidential Government Memos: Chalk River nuclear reactor cost overruns hidden from public!!

2009 June 3 --It was revealed yesterday, that secret Canadian Government memos were found, showing huge cost overrunns at the infamous Chalk River nuclear reactor, which supplies over half of the world's medical isotopes --for various important medical tests!

The memo shows the government trying to hide $66 Million Cdn, in additional repairs to the 56-year-old nuclear reactor --now closed because of a leak. The repairs were annouced by the government to take only about one month, but there are sources suggesting Chalk River could be closed for the rest of the year, endangering medical treatment around the world!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nuclear safe?! Chalk River nuclear reactor leak to close reactor for months...

Nuclear safe?! Chalk River nuclear reactor leak to close reactor for months...
2009 June 2: 1.28pm ET

On May 19, 2009 CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation):

'Patients will suffer' from Chalk River shutdown: medical imaging industry
4 out of 5 medical isotope reactors in the world currently out of service

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) announced Monday that its Chalk River reactor, located about 185 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, will remain out of service for more than a month due to a leak at the base of the reactor vessel.

As Ontario, Canada, and the world considers ramping up to new nuclear era, signs of concern appear!! A nuclear reactor leak is going to close "Chalk River" nuclear reactor for over a month. Some sources say the reactor shall be shut for the rest of the year, 2009!!

This is safe nuclear technology and safe energy?!