Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nuclear safe?! Chalk River nuclear reactor leak to close reactor for months...

Nuclear safe?! Chalk River nuclear reactor leak to close reactor for months...
2009 June 2: 1.28pm ET

On May 19, 2009 CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation):

'Patients will suffer' from Chalk River shutdown: medical imaging industry
4 out of 5 medical isotope reactors in the world currently out of service

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) announced Monday that its Chalk River reactor, located about 185 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, will remain out of service for more than a month due to a leak at the base of the reactor vessel.

As Ontario, Canada, and the world considers ramping up to new nuclear era, signs of concern appear!! A nuclear reactor leak is going to close "Chalk River" nuclear reactor for over a month. Some sources say the reactor shall be shut for the rest of the year, 2009!!

This is safe nuclear technology and safe energy?!

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