Monday, April 20, 2009

Raising public consciousness, one of our rally speakers seeking public office: Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu nomination meeting tomorrow, Toronto Danforth

While our policy is not to endorse candidates and political parties, NoNuclearNow is certainly about educating, outreaching to the people of Toronto and the world; and raising public consciousness about the crucial issue of nuclear energy proliferation!

As you recall, Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu is one of our original organizers, and key speakers at our history-making NoNuclearNow April 2 rally.

Tomorrow night, April 21, 2009, Adriana has her nomination meeting tomorrow, 7pm, Pape/Danforth Library, Toronto; as the candidate of the Green Party of Canada, in the federal district of "Toronto Danforth."

Thanks to you, this blogsite is one of the TOP 10 on Google Blog Search! 1-10 of 2,550,000, as of April 20, 2009!

So we've got a dynamic and large audience, so we're going to be requesting interviews with politicians, to get their position and views!

So tune in, or even help us to line-up interviews and background stories on politicians and candidates across Ontario and Canada!

We need to act on the dangers of nuclear energy proliferation now!

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