Friday, August 20, 2010


BP Gulf Leak, Egg Recall. Green Party Leader Eizabeth May views

What are the views of the Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May on such huge issues as the BP Gulf Leak, Egg Recall, and the Martha Vineyard tainted water?

Why are we asking about these seemingly unrelated issues? And why are we asking about issues seemingly unrelated to our blog here about the problems of nuclear power?

Our thought: these issues are some of the biggest environmental issues right now, today, August 20, 2010. These issues are issues that people understand. These issues are issues that affect all peoples: water and food contamination!

These are issues that the Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May have been ahead of the curve on for years! These are the issues that the Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and Green Party supporters have cared about for years! These are the issues that are touching the hearts and minds of people today!

YET, where is the Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May on these issues? Their views are on the BP Gulf Leak, Egg Recall, and the Martha Vineyard tainted water, are not in the media.

This can be attributed to the suppression of media coverage about the upstart, "fringe" Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May. BUT the views, public policies of the Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May on the issues of the BP Gulf Leak, Egg Recall, and the Martha Vineyard tainted water are NOT even on front page, the opening page, of the Green Party of Canada's website.

To influence public opinion and thus public policy, we need to reach the public, the people, the media and the politicians. Of course, getting "mainstream media" is an important part of this effort.

Whether we are trying to promote public awareness about nuclear power or climate change, we should remember, that we are ultimately trying to touch hearts and minds. Whether it is traditional media, reaching the mainstream media; or reaching out to the people by the new social media, direct action, special events; we need to be very current, very alert, to the trends, the thoughts, the concerns of the people!

And the irony is that the "mainstream media" and the "mainstream political parties" seem to be completely missing in action in these huge issues that touch the lives of EVERY person, every voter, in North America, if not the world. Global ocean, water and food contamination!

There are messages floated about that the BP Gulf Oil Leak is killing the environment as it travels across the ocean and air currents, across America, Canada and the world. The implications of contaminated eggs and water is mind-boogling --whether you are in Toronto, Tokyo, New York, New Delhi, Paris, Perth, Bahar Dar, Berlin, Beijing! One of the most basic, fundamental food items, eggs. One of the essentials of life, water. Both in unprecedented stories about contamination! Yet where is dialogue? The concerns? The outrage?

This is an opportuntiy being lost to the environmental movement?!

Yet where are the views of Canada's and the world's most environmental political parties. Where is Green Party and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May on such huge issues as the BP Gulf Leak, Egg Recall, and the Martha Vineyard tainted water?

Activists in Canada have had some successs in the campaign of getting the word out to the public about the dangers of nuclear power. But again, here too, it has been a struggle. We need to keep up the struggle, expand the solidarity. Touch the hearts and minds of the people.

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